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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Emrich, Paul

Department - Position

  • Department of Professional Programs and Human Services - Associate Professor
580-559-5503 pemrich@ecok.edu Faust Hall 210B
Engel, Sarah

Department - Position

  • Art + Design : Media + Communication - Assistant Professor of Mass Communication
  • Art + Design : Media + Communication - Chair of Art + Design : Media + Communication
580-559-5482 sengel@ecok.edu Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 139
Ensey, Brittany

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Custodian
580-559-5378 Facilities Management
Erwin, Nicole

Department - Position

  • Office of Institutional Advancement - Administrative Assistant
580-559-5724 niclerw@ecok.edu Danley Hall 3rd Floor
Essary, Tina

Department - Position

  • Employment Services - Payroll Clerk
580-559-5220 jessary@ecok.edu Administration Building 160E
Essix, Danielle

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Head Volleyball Coach
580-559-5790 dansess@ecok.edu Kerr Activities Center 123