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The City of Ada, with its leadership and employees, has contributed greatly to advancing higher education in the region and supporting East Central University.

By virtue of that support, the City of Ada was recognized with the Regents Business Partnership Excellence Award from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

The City of Ada-ECU partnership was one of 27 business and higher education partnerships throughout the state which were recognized as innovative collaborations that further the education of Oklahoma’s workforce.

To support ECU, the City of Ada provides a cardboard recycle service to the campus. It maintains the crosswalks and signage around campus as well as the ECU signage throughout the downtown area and assist with the homecoming parade.

The City of Ada is also an effective partner in helping ECU’s School of Fine Arts with numerous projects that include the development of the arts district; assistance with AdaFest and East End Eats, a music and food venue held each Thursday afternoon; establishment of a sculpture garden in Wintersmith Park and assistant placing a sculpture on Main Street.

Additionally, the City of Ada works closely with ECU’s Oka’ Institute on water research that leads to sustainable ecological management and economic development. This partnership provides learning opportunities for both ECU undergraduate and graduate students that could not be obtained elsewhere.


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