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The Office of Testing and Accessibility Services works with ECU students, professors, and administration to foster a welcoming environment, inclusive and accessible for everyone. We work with our students, to support and encourage self-advocacy, self-awareness, independence, and academic achievement.
Our Goals
At the Office of Testing and Accessibility Services, our goals are to help students with disabilities to:
- Achieve academic success.
- Develop an on-going relationship with our office.
- Improve communication with your professors.
- Promote equal opportunity for all students and yourself.
- Assist you with identifying appropriate resources on campus.
In working with each student to develop an accommodation plan that is tailored for that student, Office of Testing and Accessibility Services provides the tools, reasonable accommodations, and support, so that students with disabilities who are otherwise qualified may meet the demands of University life at ECU.
Services for Students
Students who wish to request accommodations for courses, other University programs, services, or activities, should provide appropriate documentation of their disability, and schedule an appointment with the Director of Testing and Accessibility Services as soon as possible. If the accommodation is reasonable for the University to provide, the Director will work with the student and appropriate personnel to facilitate the accommodation. Continuing students should request services at the beginning of each semester.
Documentation Guidelines
Documentation must be from a professional with appropriate credentials to diagnose and treat the stated impairment. Documentation guidelines are available at the Office of Testing and Accessibility Services, 302 Fentem Hall, or can be found here.
All documentation provided to Testing and Accessibility Services will be kept confidential. If sharing disability-related information with others is needed to facilitate an accommodation, the student will be informed and given the option of releasing the information. The student will need to sign a release form in order for information to be shared.
Policies and Procedures
The office of Disability Services Policies and Procedures manual can be found here.

Kim Rogers, Director
Tiffany Smith
Accommodation Specialist
Fentem Hall, Room 302
1100 East 14th Street, PMB S-35
Ada, OK 74820
580-559-5294 (fax)