Nursing Application Request Information LPN Pathway Application
Nursing is an exciting and rewarding profession that involves both the art of caring and the science of curing. Professional nurses are in high demand in today's health care system. Graduates from the School of Nursing are being recognized for their skills, judgment, and decision-making ability and research has shown that there is a direct correlation between successful patient recovery and the number of nurses providing care.
The ECU School of Nursing is recognized for its excellence in nursing education. ECU graduates are heavily recruited by healthcare facilities throughout the central plains and the southwest.
Recent ECU Nursing students National Council of Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®) Pass Rates:
- 2019 - 95.71%
- 2020 - 94.29%
- 2021 - 91.80%
- Most current 1st time-testers NCLEX-RN Pass Rate – 88.16%
School of Nursing offers a high-quality baccalaureate nursing program that provides south-central and southeast Oklahoma with accessible professionally delivered nursing care. This program prepares graduates to practice professional nursing in a variety of settings in rural, as well as urban, Oklahoma.
Program Completion Rates:
- 2019 - 82.02%
- 2020 - 76%
- 2021 - 82.50%
- Most current on-time Program Completion Rate – 78.57%
School of Nursing - Degree Options
BS with a Major in Nursing
The School of Nursing offers a five-semester program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing to pre-license students. Graduates of this ACEN-accredited, state-approved program are eligible to write the National Council Licensure
School of Nursing Brochure Vaccination Statement
Materials can be found here, or by emailing, or calling 580-559-5434 or 5933,

East Central University
1100 E. 14th
Ada, OK 74820
580-559-5785 (fax)
School of Nursing Resources
What Can I Become?
School Nurse
Nurse Investigator
Pediatric Nurse
Nurse Administrator
Obstetrical Nurse
Oncology Nurse
Military Nurse
Forensic Nurse
Operating Room Nurse
Cardiology Nurse
Legal Nurse Consultant
Home Health Care Nurse
Intensive Care Unit Nurse
Public Health Care Nurse
... and more!