Free Counseling to All Enrolled ECU Students

Take a Screening

The Counseling Center is dedicated to helping students resolve personal difficulties which may interfere with their personal and academic functioning. It is the Counseling Center's mission to maximize students' problem-solving and decision-making capabilities through acquiring skills, attitudes, and knowledge that enable them to succeed in attaining their educational and personal goals. Resources include developmental, remedial and preventive services.

To make an appointment for counseling please call 580-559-5714 or email

Our schedule typically fills up about a week in advance, so contacting us early in the week gives you the best chance of securing an appointment within the same week. We also offer a Walk-In Hour from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. These are brief, 30-minute consultation appointments available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Meeting and talking with a counselor is confidential. In fact, no one knows you come to the counseling center unless you volunteer that information. Visits to the counseling center will not show up on your transcript and will not affect your financial aid. Counseling records are kept for treatment purposes and are not part of other University records. Therefore, your professor, friends, and family will not know that you went to counseling or what you talked to the counselor about.

Exceptions to this policy include:
  • Imminent danger to self
  • Imminent danger to others
  • Child/dependent abuse
  • Elderly abuse
  • Court order
  • When required by law
  • When the client signs a release allowing the counselor to speak to a specific person about you or your case

Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention is immediate. During counseling center hours, call 580-559-5714 or go immediately to Room 137B, Memorial Student Union Building. If the crisis is on the weekend, a holiday, or after the counseling center's regularly scheduled hours, call the ECU Police Department at 580-559-5555.



Jennifer Cox, LPC-S, Director/Clinical Counselor

Cassidy McCabe, LPC, Clinical Counselor

Student Counseling Center
Memorial Student Union Building
Room 137B
Memorial Student Union Building

Mailing Address
1100 E. 14th Street, PMB S-8
Ada, OK 74820

Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed from 12:00 - 1:00 pm for lunch