William Lee Ballard
William Ballard
Lanoy Education Building

Mr. William Ballard is originally from the Dallas Texas area (we won’t hold that against him), but moved to Ada Oklahoma to be a part of the VUB family. William is a U.S. Army Veteran who also served a short stint in the U.S. Marine Corps. Collectively, his military service makes up over two and half years.

William’s collegiate accomplishments begin with an B.S. in Business Management (Concentration in Small Business and Entrepreneurship), and later earning his Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) in 2017. Moreover, in June 2020 he was inducted into the National Honor Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi.

William medically retired from the U.S. Army in 2019, and joined our VUB family as an Academic Counselor/Instructor in November of 2020

Department - Position

  • Veterans Upward Bound - Academic Counselor/Instructor