Make the most of your experience at East Central University by getting involved in a student organization! Balance your time for learning, leading, and living by participating in activities with other students who share your same interests. Build your skills, create friendships, and become a part of the exciting things happening on our campus.
East Central University understands the importance of involvement and encourages its students to find opportunities to meet and interact with each other in a variety of ways.
Research on the benefits of student organization membership suggests that actively involved students perform better academically, are more satisfied with their college experience and are more likely to graduate. Student organizations provide a medium for academic discourse, personal growth, leadership development, intercultural understanding, community service and lasting friendships.
ECU Student Clubs and Organizations
The Office of Campus Involvement strives to enhance student life by promoting involvement in the ECU community as well as leadership development. This mission is accomplished by providing educational, social, and cultural campus-wide programming through East Central University's Campus Activities Board, and by providing direct advisement for the governing bodies of ECU’s five chapters of (inter)national Greek-letter organizations.
The Office of Campus Involvement also provides services, leadership development resources, and recognition programs for 65 student organizations. Student Organizations connect students with a stronger sense of community, develop group building and leadership skills, and serve as an outlet for self-expression and sharing of talents. The Office provides assistance with student organization recognition, organization recruitment and retention, publicizing on campus, and event planning.
Enhance your education at ECU by becoming involved. Please view our Student Organizations Directory to browse the many student organizations or to search for a specific group. Only currently approved student groups will be displayed. If your particular passion is not represented yet, you can even start your own club!
Student Organizations Directory
Do you have an idea for a club or organization that you’re passionate about? Start a new club!
Come to the Office of Campus Involvement, located in the Administration Building 150, to get all the paperwork and start the process of getting your organization recognized on campus. To be recognized, each organization must create a Campus Account with the University, provide a copy of your organization's Constitution and Bylaws (We can help you create them!) and stay up to date with the Office of Campus Involvement for information about upcoming events and how your organization can get involved!
Fundraising Guidelines
Developing a successful fundraising strategy allows student organizations to cover operating expenses, complete projects, and programs, and create a reserve or cushion for the future. Many fundraising activities require prior University approval, particularly for sale and solicitation activity. State law prohibits some activities, such as lotteries and raffles. You should clear your fundraising request by completing a Request to a Hold a Fundraiser form in the Office of Campus Involvement as a first step. All sales and transactions must be conducted by currently enrolled students of the organizations or the advisor. If students from the organizations are not involved in the sale, the sale must cease.

Lora B. Brown
Student Leadership Development and Activities Coordinator
Administration Building, 164
(580) 559-5136