Seeking Alternative Teacher Certification?

Professional Education Micro-Credentials provide training for career professionals transitioning into a teaching career.  If you hold a bachelor's or master's degree in a non-education field and seek Alternative Certification through the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OKSDE), these plans of study may be for you!

  • 100% Online
  • No Entrance Exam
  • 8-week courses
  • Year-round admission and course offerings
  • Satisfies OSDE’s typical minimum requirements for Alternative Certification

What is a Micro-Credential?

Micro-credentials are short, focused credentials designed to provide specific career critical skills, competencies and knowledge that can be readily transferred to the workplace. Upon successful completion and verification of the micro-credential requirements, you will be issued a digital badge that can be displayed and verified online, such as on resumes or professional social media profiles.

Admission Requirement:

Meet all admission requirement of the East Central University School of Graduate Studies.

Earning Criteria:

  • Preparation for Educators Seeking Alternative Certification
    • Pass three courses, with a 80%/B or higher, as detailed below:
      1. Required: EDUC 5843 Advanced Classroom Management
      2. Required: EDUC 5853 Advanced Strategies for Effective Teaching
      3. Successful completion of a three credit-hour graduate level teacher education elective course:
        1. EDUC 5583 Legal Aspects of Education
        2. EDUC 5513 Supervision of Instruction
        3. EDUC 5943 Educational Technology Leadership
        4. EDUC 5093 Identification & Strategies for Students w/Behavior
        5. EDUC 5753 Differentiated Instruction in Special Education**
        6. EDUC 5233 Survey of Teaching Reading**
      **Courses can be subbed for Ed Leadership requirements for educators entering Career Development Program/SPED. See coordinator for guidance.
  • Classroom Management Micro-Credential
    • Pass the three (3) credit hour course below, with a 80%/B or higher:
      • EDUC 5843 Advanced Classroom Management
  • Principles of Pedagogy Micro-Credential
    • Pass the three (3) credit hour course below, with a 80%/B or higher:
      • EDUC 5853 Advanced Strategies for Effective Teaching
  • Reading Instruction Micro-Credential
    • Pass the three (3) credit hour course below, with a 80%/B or higher:
      • EDUC 5233 Survey of Teaching Reading
  • Special Education Bootcamp Micro-Credential
    • Pass three courses from the list below, for a total of 9 credit hours, with a 80%/B or higher:
      1. EDUC 5093 ID of & Strat for Students w/Behavior Disor
      2. EDUC 5753 Differentiated Instruction in Special Ed
      3. EDUC 5233 Survey of Teaching Reading
      4. EDUC-5353 Adv Assessment & Prog Dev
      5. EDUC-5103 Students W/ Mild & Mod Disor
      6. EDUC-5333 Legal Aspects of Spc Educ
      7. EDUC-5023 Educ Aspcts Excep Child
      8. EDUC-5163 Adv Meth for Mld/Mod Disor


    To see a list of cost & fees, see our 23-24 Graduate Tuition and Mandatory Fees.

    Next Steps:

    Apply for admission to the School of Graduate Studies here:



JoAnna Owens
Education Coordinator