Resources for Veterans/Service Members
Bill Brown from OKC VETS Center will be at the UC on Friday to answer quetions about services or resources for veterans and military service members. Hosted by VUB.
Skip to main contentBill Brown from OKC VETS Center will be at the UC on Friday to answer quetions about services or resources for veterans and military service members. Hosted by VUB.
Room 202, Kerr Activites Center
Room 202, Kerr Activites Center
Estep, UC @ 4:00PM French Film Festival Screening #3: Rust and Bone, starring Marion Cotillard. We'll be giving away fine French chocolates, DVDs, books and art after the screening. FREE!
ASA Presents Chinese New Year Celebration!
o 3-3:30pm Dragon Dance around campus
o 4:30pm Dragon Dance outside UC
o 5:30pm Light Chinese Lamp
Zeta Tau Alpha Recruitment Event: “Zumba with the Zetas” 7:00pm in Memorial Student Union Ballroom
Zeta Pi Lambda Bake Sale will be all week from 8:00am-5:00pm.