31 Mar

2nd Annual GOLD Week Paintball Tournament

Event Date
12:00 am

The 2nd Annual GOLD Week Paintball Tournament will be March 31st through April 3rd. The event will be at the ECU Practice Football Field. 


To sign up for the tournament date and time will be 12:00-2:00 p.m. in the Student Center and 8:00 - 4:00 pm in the ECU GOLD Office (107 McBride). The dates to sign up will be March 13-14 and March 24-28.

*Make sure to sign up by March 25 to guarantee t-shirt size*


Updated Information: The time for the April 2nd tournament will be @ 5:30 pm. The April 3rd tournament will be at 4:30 pm.


Check below for additional information:


01 Apr

Annual Go Global Event

Event Date
11:00 am

Global Education Office and Global Education Committee presents Annual Go Global Event. It will be April 1st from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Estep Room (located in the University Center).


Come learn about the Study Abroad Program and the Brad Henry International Scholarship. There will also be a door prize drawing.