22 Apr

Walk A Mile In Her Shoes

Event Date
6:00 pm

Walk A Mile In Her Shoes event will be April 22nd at 6:00 pm. It will be located at the Centennial Plaza. 



Additional information: This is a relay race for teams of 4 (2 guys and 2 girls)...the only catch is each team will be completing the race in HIGH HEELS! We will have some heels available, but each team should plan to bring their own pair (1 pair per team of 4 people). There will be free food and t-shirts available for sale. 

Everyone on campus is encouraged to make a team! Also campus and community organizations are encouraged to set up a booth! You may recruit, bring food (must be free), play games, etc. This is a great time to get your organization's name out there and have a great time.




15 Apr

Harry Potter Week: Quidditch Tournament

Event Date
6:00 pm

HP: Quidditch Tournament will be outside of the UC Green. The tournament will be from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on April 15th through April 16th. 


Here is some additional information about the tournament:

If you’re unfamiliar with Quidditch, it is a game played with balls and brooms where teams try to score points. Each game will last about 15 minutes, and will be played between 6p-8p. Depending on how many teams sign up will depend on how many games are played. We will also have chocolate frogs and butter beer to distribute to the students who come out. 

25 Apr

Fine Arts Awards

Event Date
4:30 pm

The Fine Arts Awards will be Friday, April 25th. Reception from 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. with the announcement of scholarship awards at 5:30 PM (family and friends are welcome to attend). It will be located at the Pogue Gallery (HBFFAC). 

04 Apr

Art Prom

Event Date
7:00 pm

East Central University's first ever Art Prom will be in the Memorial Student Union Ballroom. It will be from 7:00pm to 12:00am (midnight). It is sponsored by the Art Club.


Tickets are $5.00 per couple and $3.00 for singles. You can pay at the door.






21 Jun

Greek Discovery Day

Event Date
10:30 am

2nd Annual Greek Discovery Day will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 10:30 am until 2:00pm. The check-in will be at the Pesagi Hall Lobby.



The itinerary for the day is as follows:

10:30-11:00am:  Registration

11:00 am:  Greek Life Overview

12:00pm:  Lounge and Greek Village Tours 

12:00pm:  Parent Session

1:30pm:  Boxed Lunch and Meet & Greet with the Greeks

Registration is only $15/person (cash/check only) for the entire day and includes the following:  ECU Greek Discovery Day T-shirt, Boxed Lunch, and ECU Gift Bag!

Registration for Greek Discovery Day is now open!  For your convenience, there are two quick ways to register:  email back the attached registration form or call Sarah Suter, Director of Student Organizations and Greek Life at (580) 559-5207 to register.


07 Apr

Parker Ethics Lecture

Event Date
3:00 pm

Parker Ethics Lecture will be at 3:00 on Monday, April 7 in the Foundation Hall of the Chickasaw Business and Conference Center.



Additional information:

This is the Parker Ethics Lecture. The speaker will be John Gaines. He was a ECU Football player and business student who graduated in 2011. His message will be on persevering and not giving up when the going gets tough.