


Welcome to the Writing Center!

The ECU Writing Center provides services to undergraduate students. We recommend that graduate students consult with their advisor or professor for assistance. The Writing Center is a free resource that assists undergraduate students with all stages of the writing process. Writing Center consultants are high-achieving undergraduate students that help students who don’t know where to begin on an assignment generate and organize ideas. Students who already have the first draft receive constructive feedback and suggestions on their work. Those at the end of the writing process receive assistance with grammar, punctuation, or citations. However, Writing Center consultants are not proofreaders. Instead, consultants help students spot repeated errors and give examples of how those errors may be corrected. The focus of the Writing Center is making better writers, not just better writing. 

Email Submissions:

We check our account daily Monday-Friday. Email responses usually require 48 hours. Please keep in mind that email responses can take several days during peak times. 

If you have questions for our Writing Center staff, please email Please use your ECU email for all correspondence!

What does a visit to the Writing Center look like?

A typical session lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. Bringing the professor’s assignment description is important. If a draft has been written, the consultant will read it while the student fills out an information form. Focusing on student concerns, feedback and suggestions for the paper are offered. At the session’s end, students are asked to fill out a brief survey about their Writing Center experience.

The Writing Center is located in the Administration Building, room 260. Students may walk-in or make an appointment. If circumstances prevent a visit in person, drafts may be sent and feedback offered via email (see the email submission form below). Please be sure to complete the online submission form at the bottom of the page with all of your information.