Key Information
Location: Fentem 301 (Pre-registration & payment required)
Time: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM (Approx. 4 hours) Late arrivals will result in rescheduling
Fee: $75 (Subject to change)
- Photo ID required
- Current Official Photo ID
- ACT Student Identification Form
- ACT Policy. See list of acceptable forms of ID
- No cell phones allowed in the testing room
- Basic calculator permitted (Check ACT Calculator Policy) Check or call 800.498.6481 for a recorded message about the current ACT Calculator Policy.
- Arrive on time – late arrivals will not be admitted
Scheduling & Retesting:
To schedule: Call Testing & Accessibility Services at (580) 559-5297.
Retake policy: One test per year (new year starts in October). No retests within 60 days of taking the ACT at another university. Violating this policy results in score cancellation without a refund.
Score Access:
- Available after 1:00 PM the next day at Testing & Accessibility Services.
- Scores are valid only at ECU – they cannot be transferred to other schools or agencies.