10 Mar

Louise Young Diversity Lecture

Event Date
7:00 pm

“R.V. Burgin: Recollections from America’s Greatest Generation”

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 (7:00 pm) - Event is free and open to the public

Ataloa Theatre in the Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center

Ninety-two year old R.V. Burgin is part of what many have called the "Greatest Generation" of Americans.   Mr. Burgin will be the 2015 Louise Young Diversity Lecture’s speaker on Tuesday, March 10 at 7:00 pm on the ECU campus.  These Americans lived through the Great Depression of the 1930's, through World War II and returned home to build our great country.  Mr. Burgin will offer his personal remembrances of growing up on a Depression era farm in East Texas and fighting as a U.S. Marine in some of the fiercest battles of WWII in the Pacific.  After the war, Burgin married the sweetheart he met while on an assignment in Australia.   Wanting to ensure that some of his life memories were preserved, he wrote a book, Islands of the Damned: A Marine at War in the Pacific, and was a consultant to several WWII documentaries and to the blockbuster Emmy award winning HBO series "The Pacific", produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, in which a young actor in plays Marine R.V. Burgin in five of the ten episodes.

Members of the Greatest Generation, such as Mr. Burgin, have a unique and important perspective on overcoming adversity in times of extraordinary challenge and danger.  Unfortunately, most of those belonging to the Greatest Generation have either died or are in the twilight of their years.  Don't miss this opportunity to hear from a member of the Greatest Generation who is eager to share his lively stories. Autographed copies of Mr. Burgin's book, Islands of the Damned: A Marine at War in the Pacific, will be for sale after the program.  Price is $20 (cash, check or major credit cards).  If you have special seating or bus parking needs, contact Samantha Dillehay of ECU at 580-559-5598 or sdillehy@ecok.edu.

24 Oct

Chemistry and Physics at High Temperatures: Hot Topics at NASA

Event Date
2:30 pm

Estep Room of the Bill S. Cole University Center

This is an exciting seminar to be held here at East Central University. Dr. Nathan Jacobson of the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, will speak on: "Chemistry and Physics at High Temperatures: Hot Topics at NASA". The seminar will take place on October 24, 2014 at 2:30 pm. The seminar will be held in the Estep Room of the Bill S. Cole University Center. All interested persons are welcome!


Chemistry and Physics at High Temperatures
Hot Topics at NASA

Nathan Jacobson
NASA Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, OH  44135

Phenomena at high temperatures are important in many of NASA’s programs.  Three areas are discussed in this seminar: the hot section of an aircraft turbine engine, the thermal protection shields of the Space Shuttle Orbiter and high temperatures of distant worlds in our solar system and beyond.  Aircraft turbines are remarkable machines—running reliably for many, many miles.  This is due to the strong, light, and highly durable materials in the engine.   A different type of high temperature material system was used to protect the Space Shuttle Orbiter from the heat of re-entry. The thermal protection system consisted of thermal tiles and thermal blankets on the body of the vehicle and reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) on the Nose Cap and Wing Leading Edge.  A third area where an understanding of high temperature processes is important is in worlds beyond our earth.  Venus is considerably warmer than our earth and has been the subject of intense study for many years.  And planets beyond our solar system which are near to their stars likely have atmospheres determined by the laws of high temperature chemistry and physics.


11 Nov

Veteran's Day - Flag Raising

Event Date
11:00 am

Flag poles in front of Science Hall

Reception/Open House immediately following in the Veterans Upward Bound Program Office, 808 E Main, suites A and C. 

Everyone is invited to participate in these events to help us honor those who are currently serving, or those who have ever served.

10 Nov

Veteran's Week - Door Decorating Contest

Event Date
12:00 am

In honor of Veterans Day, Nov. 11, offices across campus are being asked to decorate their door, bulletin board, window, or other designated area for Veterans Week, Nov 10-14. 

Please let those who are currently, or who have ever served, know how very much you appreciate their service!

  1. Door or designated area should be decorated by close of business on Friday, Nov 7, 2014.  Notify Mary Meeks, mmeeks@ecok.edu, of location if you wish to be included in the judging.
  2. Judging will take place sometime during the day on Monday, Nov 10, 2014
  3. Announcement of the winner will take place at the flag raising Nov 11, 2014 at 11 am at the flag poles in front of Old Science Hall