In Plain Sight Documentary
ECU University Center-Estep
Discover how six courageous women are fighting to end SEX TRAFFICKING in your city.
You may have heard the term “sex trafficking” and thought that it was just an international issue. While the term trafficking may conjure images of desperate illegal immigrants being forced into prostitution by human smugglers, over 80 percent of victims in 2011 confirmed sex trafficking cases in this country were American citizens. Or, maybe, you heard about the recent case in Ohio where three girls were kidnapped and kept as sex slaves…and you thought it was just one guy with a serious problem. Think again. It’s happening in plain sight, and you probably don’t even realize it.
DOCUMENTARY Executive produced and narrated by Natalie Grant and released into stores nationwide by Word Films on 12.23.2014, the feature-length documentary features six modern-day abolitionists as they fight sex trafficking across America. Journeying to six US cities, the documentary opens the viewer’s eyes to what’s happening down the street “in plain sight”. Through engaging interviews with numerous victims of sex trafficking, the force, coercion, and deception of the children and women becomes apparent. In the midst of the darkness, stories of hope and freedom emerge as each survivor shares how she was impacted through the work of a sex trafficking aftercare home.
Expert panel discussion following documentary
Popcorn and drinks will be provided
Hosted by ECU Tigers Against Human Trafficking
Co-Sponsored by the Chickasaw Nation
The Pontotoc County District Attorney's Office
And ECU Counseling Services
ASA Asian Night 2015
Enjoy a fun filled evening of Asian folk and Bollywood dances, Gongfu show, live music, fashion show and Asian cuisine. The event will be held at Stanley P. Wagner Ballroom and starts at 6PM to 8PM. Click here for details.
9th Annual Tim Green All Sports Golf Classic
Oak Hills Country Club Golf Course in Ada, OK
AdaFest 2
Centennial Plaza
HMA, Injunuity, Haniwa, John Fullbright
Veterans and Military Appreciation Day
You are invited to join us on May 14, 2015, for Veterans and Military Appreciation Day as we celebrate 20 years of Veterans Upward Bound at East Central University! This celebration will take place on the ECU Campus in the Chickasaw Business and Conference Center, 830 E Main, Ada, OK 74820
Tables of Information from 9 am until 1 pm
Various programs, organizations, and employers who provide services to and for veterans, military service members, and their families will have information available. VA representatives will be here.
Appreciation Day Program begins at 10 am
Special speakers and presentations to celebrate 20 years of Veterans Upward Bound at East Central University. This will include student testimonials, as well as recognition and remembrance of Bret D. Isenhower.