06 Apr

12th Annual Scissortail Creative Writing Festival

Event Date
12:00 am

Information, visit: www.ecuscissortail.blogspot.com

Contact: Dr. Ken Hada 580-559-5557 or khada@ecok.edu

The 12th Annual Scissortail Creative Writing Festival, featuring Patricia Hampl and Leif Enger will be April 6-8 on the campus of East Central University.
The event is free and open to the public. It also features over 50 authors from Oklahoma and beyond and athe Darryl Fisher HIgh School Creative Writing Contest.
For more information, call 580-559-5557

Scissortail Creative Writing Festival

09 Jun

Tiger Softball Middle School Skills Clinic

Event Date
9:00 am

Clinic is for girls entering 5th-9th grades. The cost is $100 and will run from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Tiger Field and designed for the instruction and development of fundamental skills. The registration deadline is June 6th.

Tiger Softball Middle School Skills Clinic

Tiger Softball Middle School Skills Clinic Registration Form

All softball clinics have limited space in the clinic so applications will be accepted on a first come basis. Each participant must complete the Registration Form and Medical Consent/Indemnification Form.


16 Jun

Advanced Exposure Defensive Clinic

Event Date
1:00 pm

Clinic is for girls entering 9th-12th grades. The cost is $100 and will run from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. at Tiger Field. The clinic is designed for the advanced softball player who wants to play at the collegiate level, with instruction on the defensive aspects of the game.

Advanced Exposure Defensive Clinic

Tiger Softball Advanced Exposure Defensive Clinic Registration Form

All softball clinics have limited space in the clinic so applications will be accepted on a first come basis. Each participant must complete the Registration Form and Medical Consent/Indemnification Form.