17 May

Community Town Hall Meeting

Event Date
2:00 pm

Regents Room in Memorial Student Union

ECU needs you!

East Central University has begun the strategic planning process, and we want to hear from you!
In February, a Strategic Planning Committee was formed, which is composed of community leaders and ECU faculty, staff, and administration. This team is charged with developing a new strategic plan that will outline the university’s goals and projects for the next five years, 2018-2023. The plan will be used to provide direction for program development and budget decisions, align the goals of the entire university, and help us achieve our greatest potential.
We need your help to identify what makes us great, what we can improve, and what ECU can do to help you.

Follow this link to a community forum to post ideas and suggestions.

Parking available 14th & Francis (by tennis courts).


17 May

Veterans and Military Appreciation Day

Event Date
10:00 am

Held in the Chickasaw Business and Conference Center, inside the Stonecipher School of Business on the East Central University Campus, 830 E Main Street, Ada, OK 74820

Vendor tables open at 9:00 a.m., the program starts at 10:00 a.m.

Lunch immediately following the program.

The Veterans Upward Bound Program at East Central University invites you to join us in honoring our veterans and military service members.  We will be sharing some Veterans Upward Bound/Veterans Student Support Services Student Veteran success stories, announcing the winner of the Bret D. Isenhower Scholarship, and paying special tribute to Milton Courtney, a WWII veteran. 

We have lots of special things in store.  There will be food and door prizes! 
Drop by anytime between 9 am and 12:30 pm.  You can come and go, or come and stay awhile!  Bring a friend!

Read the article.

16 Jul

Tiger Basketball School - Grades 2-5

Event Date
9:00 am

Kerr Activities Center

Skill Development, Contests, and Games!

Led by ECU Men's Basketball Coaches and Players

Free Tiger Basketball T-shirt for each camper!

Grades 2-5 9 a.m. - noon

Grades 6-9 1 p.m.- 4 p.m.

Cost is $75 and includes the t-shirt.

Check-in will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of camp on the first day.

Click to register for Tiger Basketball Camp on July 16-18 or visit www.tigerbasketballschool.com for more information.