Our Policy
East Central University (ECU) has designated the Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center, the Sterling Williams Foundation and Alumni Center, the Chickasaw Business Conference Center, the Oklahoma Room, the Governor’s room, the Stanley P. Wagner Ballroom, the S. Kerr Activities Dome and the Alumni Tailgate area as areas where alcoholic beverages may be served at private catered events held on campus. Additional locations may be approved on a case-by-case basis upon the written approval of the President or the President’s designate. ECU will authorize approved contractors to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption at designated areas at particular functions, occasions, or events that are temporary in nature.
Procedures for Scheduling of Facilities
All requests for service of alcoholic beverages at catered events must be made at least 30 days prior to the event through the ECU contracted caterer, Chartwells, and coordinated through the appropriate Facility Coordinator. If Chartwells declines to cater the event, an alternate caterer approved by the Facility Coordinator with a license to cater alcohol off-premises may be contracted for the event.
Requirements for Events Serving Alcoholic Beverage
The following guidelines govern the service of alcohol in these facilities:
- In accordance with State license requirements, no alcoholic beverages may be brought into the facilities, or into an event except by a university-approved contractor. All service and sale of alcoholic beverages and non-intoxicating beverages (3.2 beers) must be arranged for and purchased through the approved contractor that is a licensed caterer of alcoholic beverages.
- No alcoholic beverages may be sold without a license.
- Only University-approved catering services licensed to sell alcoholic beverages and 3.2 beers may serve alcohol on campus under this policy.
- The individual or agency sponsoring the event assumes responsibility for compliance with all Oklahoma laws and University policies governing dispensing and serving of alcoholic beverages.
- Only persons of legal drinking age may possess, be served, or be permitted to consume alcoholic beverages (to include 3.2 beers) at private events. Signs to this effect must be posted at the event. A driver’s license or other appropriate identification card with a photo ID and date of birth is required to verify age and identity. A security office or law enforcement officer may require an additional form of identification at the officer’s discretion.
- ECU strictly prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages to any student group/organizational events or affiliated organizations sponsoring student groups/organizations regardless of age.
- Events, where alcoholic beverages are served, may not be open to the public.
- No University funds, including student funds, may be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
- For events held on campus, no alcoholic beverages shall be made available before 4:00 pm on normal University work days.
- When alcohol is served, non-alcoholic beverages and food must also be made available to guests.
- Alcoholic beverages are not allowed outside the designated room(s) of the event and may not be taken off the premises.
- The University reserves the right to control the time and length of an event in which alcohol is served. ECU and/or caterer further reserves the right to deny service to individuals and to discontinue the service of alcoholic beverages prior to the scheduled ending time should the conduct and decorum of the guests or violations of these guidelines or state laws make it necessary to do so. At the discretion of ECU, security coverage may be required at these events at the group’s expense.
- ECU reserves the right to limit the length of time that the sale of alcoholic beverages can be made and all sales must end by 11:00 pm.
- The ECU President or designee may grant exceptions to the policy on a case-by-case basis.
Events Serving Alcohol
Let our Event Management team help you host an event that will please your guests and also meet University guidelines on alcohol service.