Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
A Business degree provides the concepts and skills for success in business and for future study. A Stonecipher School of Business degree meets the needs of the highly competitive and everchanging business world through small classes, personalized advising, quality faculty and world class facilities. Being a Business Administration student at ECU is a rewarding experience for all involved. The courses cover all functional areas of the business environment without sacrificing an awareness of the arts, sciences and humanities. Students learn skills and techniques that can be applied to virtually any industry and can even be used to start a company of their own. The Department of Business Administration brings together five business disciplines with programs leading to a bachelor of science. Concentrations include General Business, Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Marketing.
- Entrepreneurship Concentration
The Entrepreneurship concentration helps students develop their skills to create successful companies. Topics discussed include business plans, the value chain, revenue models, venture capital, technology, new venture growth, and harvesting the new venture. The entrepreneurship students, at the end of their studies, will possess the capabilities to start their own companies. Wilburn L. Smith Center for Entrepreneurship
- Finance Concentration
The Finance concentration provides the knowledge needed to apply theories, methods, and techniques in all areas of finance. Concentration courses emphasize corporate and personal finance, as well as the functions of financial institutions.
- General Business Concentration
The General Business concentration provides greater flexibility in developing a program tailored to the student’s needs and objectives. Students take advanced courses from each of the other concentrations to gain a broad understanding of business.
- Management Concentration
The Management concentration provides the knowledge and professional skills necessary for effective performance in public or private sector organizations. Managerial skills for large and small businesses are addressed from both a theory and applications approach.
- Marketing Concentration
The Marketing concentration develops analytical abilities for intensive study of current marketing trends. Courses emphasize (1) problem solving and decision-making; (2) marketing plans and marketing policy, strategy, and procedures; and (3) qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Management
A Bachelor degree in Information Technology Management (ITM) supports the need for workers who understand the basic functions of management (staffing, organizing, budgeting, and control) along with IT functions as it relates to business (software development, change management, and network planning). The degree will prepare students to succeed in entry-level positions in the field and advance to the level of Computer and Information Systems Managers where they could be responsible for the development of technology strategies, upgrading technology, and securing systems. Students will have the opportunity to earn options in Information Systems, Project Management, or Data Analytics.
- Information Systems
The Information Systems concentration prepares students for careers that apply computer knowledge and information technology to the business environment. The curriculum integrates the knowledge of basic business courses in accounting, finance, marketing, and management with information technology. The IS graduate will be able to function in the corporate environment or in the small business sector.
- Data Analytics
The Data Analytics concentration prepares students for careers that use computer and information skills to analyze data for business decisions. The curriculum integrates the knowledge of basic business courses in accounting, finance, marketing, management, information technology, with data analytics. The graduate will be able to function in the corporate environment, small business sector, or research areas.
- Project Management
The Information Systems concentration prepares students for careers that apply computer knowledge and information technology to project management. The curriculum integrates the knowledge of basic business courses in accounting, finance, marketing, and management, information technology, and project management. The graduate will complete the coursework recommended by the Project Management Institute and meets the educational requirements for professional certification.
Master in Management
The MiM degree targets students whose first degree is outside a business field or who have a degree in a business field but would like to enhance their knowledge of business. The curriculum is designed to provide an innovative, high-level, focused program in response to employer needs for managerial-level employees with a sound knowledge of business theory and practices. Students admitted to the program are not required to complete “leveling” courses as required by traditional MBA programs. The program is designed to be completed in 12-24 months.

Gary D. Tucker Jr., Chair
Department of Business Administration
CBCC Room 348

Minors Offered
Business Administration
Business Administration for Music Majors
Management Information Systems
Human Resources Management
Project Management
Promotions Management
Personal Financial Planning