Ed Hobbs, the Horne & Company professor in accounting at East Central University, makes sure his students can gain real-world experience before they graduate – and in a way that helps the community.
Hobbs’ advanced students participate in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program and provide free tax assistance to individuals with basic tax returns. They are providing that service again this year.

Ed Hobbs (front row, second from left), is the Horne & Company Regents Professor of Accounting at East Central University. Horne & Company P.C. established the professorship through the ECU Foundation Inc. in 2007. Shown with Hobbs are Phyllis Kunze (front row, from left), executive director of the foundation; ECU President John Hargrave; Horne & Co. CPAs Bill Horne Sr., Janice Stout (back row) and Bill Horne Jr.; Wendell Godwin, dean of ECUs School of Business; and Dr. Bill Chapman, co-chair of ECUs Accounting Department.
The Horne & Company Regents Professorship in Accounting was established through the ECU Foundation Inc. in December 2007 with a $125,000 gift from the Ada certified public accounting firm Horne & Company P.C. Professorship endowments enhance academic programs by providing salary, travel, or research support in addition to the university’s annual support.
The gift was made by Bill Horne Sr., founder of the firm, director Bill Horne Jr. and former director Curtis Wilson to enable ECU’s Accounting Department and the School of Business to attract and retain an outstanding accounting professor, particularly as it implemented a new master's degree in accounting.
Hobbs is a certified public accountant and holds the rank of assistant professor at ECU. He previously taught at Southeastern Oklahoma State University for 15 years and at Black Hills State University in Spearfish, S.D., for three years. He has been a revenue agent and auditor for the Internal Revenue Service.
He owned G.G. Western Wear in Ada for 11 years before earning a degree in accounting from ECU. He also holds a master's degree in taxation from the University of Denver.
Hobbs is involved with ECU’s Accounting Club and is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ada, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Ada Chapter of CPAs. Several of his articles have been featured in “Taxes – The Tax Magazine” and the “Southern Law Journal.”
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