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ECU Alumni Planning Reunion Saturday In Mcalester

A McAlester-area reunion will be hosted by the East Central University Alumni Association Saturday [MAY 30] with special guest Dr. John Hargrave, ECU's president-elect.The reunion will begin at 6 p.m.…

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Famous Artist's Granddaughter Donates Paintings To ECU

When the Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center opens soon at East Central University, two recent acquisitions will be on exhibit in the new art gallery -- valuable paintings by one of Latvia's most noted…

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Four ECU Students Present Research In Indiana

Four East Central University students presented research at the Alpha Chi national college honor society's 2009 biennial national convention in April in Indianapolis, Ind.Jacobi Nichols, a senior from…

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Alpha Chi Book Drive

Rachael Bryant, a member of Alpha Chi national honor society at East Central University, holds some of the more than 50 children's books which were collected during a recent Alpha Chi book drive and…

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Mickey Cowan Stepping Down As ECU Foundation's Ceo

Mickey Cowan, executive director of the East Central University Foundation Inc., has announced he will resign as the foundation's CEO because of health reasons. Cowan, a well-known figure in ECU and…

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Water Safety Instructor Review Set Friday At ECU

A Water Safety Instructor new material review will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday [MAY 8] at East Central University. The review will be held in the Tiger Cinema room located on the second floor of…

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ECU @ Southeastern Nursing Graduates For Spring 2009

Graduating from the ECU @ Southeastern Nursing Program at East Central University in Ada on Saturday [MAY 9] are Row 1: Brandy Anderson of Durant; Row 2: Lois Peevyhouse of Durant, Lyndsey Purl of…

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