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ECU, Kaplan Offer Free Practice Lsat

A practice Law School Admission Test will be offered Saturday [JULY 18] at East Central University. A good score on the LSAT is necessary to be admitted to law school. The test will be administered by…

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ECU Hosts 22 Students From Western Oklahoma

Students from the western half of Oklahoma gathered at East Central University for three weeks in June as part of a grant program that allows them to earn master of education degrees with a library…

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Art Students Receive Awards

The Ada Artists Association scholarship is awarded to East Central University art student Marumi Abe (left) of Saitama, Japan. Dr. Brad Jessop, chair of the Art Department, congratulates Abe during…

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ECU Alumni Planning Reunion July 18 In Ardmore

The East Central University Alumni Association will host an Ardmore Area Alumni Reunion on July 18 [SATURDAY].The event begins at 6 p.m. at the Café Alley located at 126 A. Street Northeast in…

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July Is A Great Month To Focus On Pool Safety

With summer in full swing, a few reminders about pool safety are in order. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), swimming pools can be very dangerous for children, especially…

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News Brief - Interim President Steps Down

Dr. Duane C. Anderson holds a bronze tiger, a gift from the East Central University Faculty Senate in appreciation of his service as interim president of ECU from Jan. 1 through June 30. Connie Reilly…

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Long-Time ECU Professor Retires

The chair of East Central University's Department of Nursing has retired after 28 years of teaching, publishing eight books and about 100 journal and Internet articles and writing or co-writing grants…

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ECU Human Resources Students Honored For Achievements

Students in the counseling, criminal justice and social work programs at East Central University have received awards and scholarships during a centennial awards and recognitions program hosted by the…

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