Shae Parmer of Ada, a history major at East Central University, has been elected president of ECU's Rho Beta chapter of Alpha Chi, a national honor society limited to the top 10 percent of an institution's juniors, senior and graduate students in all academic disciplines.

Elected officers of East Central University's Rho Beta chapter of Alpha Chi national honor society are Jomain McKenzie (from left), Aleisha Brewer, Shae Parmer, Patrick Tadlock and Brandi Johnson. Not pictured is Jessica Detherow.
Other officers are political science major Aleisha Brewer of Wister, vice president; accounting major Jessica Detherow of Ada, secretary; criminal justice major Brandi Johnson of Konawa, treasurer; communications major Jomain McKenzie of Clarendon, Jamaica, public information officer; and political science major Patrick Tadlock of Elmore City, convention delegate.
"This is the best Alpha Chi leadership council we have ever had," said Dr. Christine Pappas, Alpha Chi adviser. "Shae Parmer went with us to the national convention last year, which gives her a lot of insight into how to be a good president."
ECU's Rho Beta chapter of Alpha Chi is nationally honored. It has received the Star Chapter Award every year it has been available and in 2005 it was awarded the President's Cup for best chapter.
It initiates about 50 students every semester. Members have the honor of wearing blue and green cords at graduation, competing for several major scholarships and attending conventions all over the United States.
Alpha Chi is distinctive because it involves members in all aspects of its operation: chapter officer leadership, student representation on the National Council, local chapter event planning, and presenting scholarly programs at regional and national conventions, Pappas said.
Since 1922, its purpose has been to promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college and university students and honor those who achieve such distinction. Some 300 chapters are located in almost every state and in Puerto Rico.
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