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Aleisha Brewer, a senior political science major from Wister, will represent East Central University at the four-day Nigh Leadership Academy that begins April 3.

Picture of Aleisha BrewerThe academy is named for ECU graduate and prominent Oklahoma statesman George Nigh.

"I am extremely excited," she said about attending the academy. "I look forward to any opportunity I have to interact with individuals who share the same passion about politics and the future of Oklahoma."

Brewer will receive a $1,000 scholarship after completing the academy. She will graduate from ECU this year and plans to attend law school the following August.

She is president of ECU's Legal Professionals Association and public information officer for Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society. She is also a member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, Alpha Chi national honor society, Phi Theta Kappa honor society, and CREW, ECU's student programming board.

"Aleisha is an ideal selection for this honor," said Dr. Christine Pappas, coordinator of ECU's Department of Political Science and Legal Studies. "Like George Nigh, she is a natural leader in any group she joins. I know that she will make the most of this opportunity."

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