East Central University was recently selected as a Certified Healthy Campus by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. There were three levels of certification: basic, merit and excellence. ECU received merit certification with the help of its new tobacco-free campus policy. Pictured here in the ECU Wellness Center (left to right) are: Randi McCurley, assistant director of the ECU Wellness Center; ECU President John Hargrave, Peggy Saunkeah, project coordinator for the Campus Initiative to Reduce Crime Against Women (CIRCAW); Dr. Jerry Forbes, ECU vice president for student development; Leah Lyon, director for the Regional University System of Oklahoma Violence Prevention Project; Holli Witherington, director of ECU’s Brandon Whitten Institute; Bea Waller, director of ECU’s student counseling center; Lisa Young, director of ECU’s student health services; and Holly Christian, director of the ECU Wellness Center.