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By Diego Cifuentes

ADA, Okla. - New leadership team members were sworn in during a recent special Student Senate general body meeting for the Student Government Association at East Central University.  

The student government chambers buzzed with chatter as members prepared to swear in new representatives for various unseated positions. After a motion to suspend the rules of quorum to vote on the decision, two motions were passed, and a vote was called by the chair. Introductions were made, and a vote was conducted after, and all nominations were passed unanimously by the body.  

The swearing in ceremony was administered by the Chief Justice of the ECU Student Senate, Jamin VanHorn. 

Adrian Odhiambo will now serve as the International Student Representative, Diego Cifuentes as the IDEA Representative and Mason Martinez, for the At-Large Representative position.  

“We’re feeling good, we’re super amped up and excited," they said. “We love the energy in the room tonight. We can’t wait to work on a variety of issues aimed at enhancing campus life and improving the student experience.” 

Newly elected senator Odhiambo also expressed action in connecting with the international community on campus. An event will be scheduled accordingly to ensure visibility and involvement. 

Events discussed at the meeting included Tiger Jam, a Study Bags Table event, where students can receive free study bags before midterms, Karaoke Night, and Orange Crush week, where weeklong activities are scheduled for April 7-11, promoting overall school spirit and pride.  

According to the ECU’s student government page, student senators “are student leaders who aim to foster an inclusive community where we serve, empower, and advocate for students with the intentions of creating a memorable and transformative educational journey.”  

Student senate representatives are elected by a majority of the student body and serve for one year starting in the fall semester of every academic year. The SGA filing period has just opened for the upcoming election in April. Students can apply online or pick up an application in the Administration Building, Room 164. 

 “Students wanting to make a positive impact on campus are strongly encouraged to apply.” said its current leading President, Patrick Snell.  

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Diego Cifuentes at (786)-894-9112, or email dieacif@email.ecok.edu.

Cutline: From left to right: Diego Cifuentes, SGA President Patrick Snell, Adrian Odhiambo and Mason Martinez. All three were confirmed to join the student senate.


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