Recognized for advancing the most in musicianship this year are winners of East Central University’s 2012 Saied Award in instrumental music, freshman Jessica Robertson of Pauls Valley (from left), sophomore Elaine Lancaster of Eufaula and junior Erin Goto of Oklahoma City. They are shown with Dr. Allen Correll, ECU’s band director. Senior Rachel Bessert of Oklahoma City (not shown) also received the award. The late James Saied, an ECU Distinguished Alumnus and founder of the Saied Music Company in Tulsa, established the award for a student in each class. The award also is based on students’ character and contribution to the music program. Saied portrayed John Philip Sousa, America's “March King,” as he conducted concerts across the country, including at ECU. Saied also led the successful effort to have Sousa's “Stars and Stripes Forever” designated as America's official national march.