Twelve Ada-area residents attended an online National Smart Start Conference at East Central University recently. It was sponsored by Smart Start South Central and ECU to give people in the Ada area a chance to hear national speakers without leaving town.

Participants attending an online National Smart Start Conference at East Central University listen as one of the speakers addresses early childhood issues.
Attendees ranged from child care center directors, county health department workers, public school personnel, and ECU faculty members.
Several well known speakers addressed early childhood issues, such as Joan Lombardi, assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and Sharon Lynn Kagan, director of the National Center for Children and Families. Attendees had the chance to answer questions from the online speaker as well as submit questions that were immediately addressed.
Topics included professional development, quality control in child care and data collection. More than 1,000 people nationwide participated in the conference.
"I am so excited that we were able to bring a national conference to our community as a free service, and so thankful that the 12 people who came took advantage of this opportunity. We hope to be able to do this again as different conferences and learning opportunities become available," said Trish Little, Smart Start South Central area coordinator.
"East Central University has great facilities for online conferences and is always ready to support community functions."
For more information about Smart Start South Central or other early childhood programs, contact Trish Little at 580-559-5367, or
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