Casey Williamson (left) of Muskogee , a student at East Central University in Ada , is the recipient of the CRC Outstanding Performance in Freshman Chemistry award. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring. Shown with Williamson is Dr. Charles Crittell, associate professor of chemistry

Justin Erwin (center), an East Central University student from Muskogee , displays the award he received this spring for Outstanding Performance/Service in Chemistry. Dr. Charles Crittell (left), associate professor of chemistry, and Dr. Dwight Myers, co-chair of ECU’s Department of Chemistry and Physics, made the presentation in Ada .

Brown Mackin Group Recipients of Brown Mackin Scholarships at East Central University in Ada are Ray Gibson (second from left) of Paoli; Jared Giem, Muskogee; Quinton Ferguson, Foster; and Erik Stark, Haworth. Brown Mackin Scholarships are awarded to assist deserving physics students. The presentation was made by Dr. Karen Williams (left), professor of physics, at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring.

Richard Bolling (center), an East Central University chemistry major from Shawnee , holds the award he received for Outstanding Performance/Service in Chemistry. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring. Shown with Bolling are Dr. Charles Crittell (left), associate professor of chemistry, and Dr. Dwight Myers, co-chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics.

Stringfield Group East Central University physics students Brian Scott (center) of Shawnee and Chiemi Standridge of Ada hold certificates recognizing them as recipients of Stringfield Scholarships. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring by Dr. Karen Williams (left), professor of physics.

Joshua Smith (center), an East Central University student from Ardmore , is the recipient of the Pfeffer Scholarship in chemistry, a multi-year, renewable scholarship provided by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pfeffer of Ada . The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring by Dr. Charles Crittell (left), associate professor of chemistry, and Dr. Dwight Myers, co-chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics.

Morgan Dickerson (center) of Mustang, a student at East Central University in Ada , is the recipient of the Willis Decker Scholarship for chemistry majors. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring by Dr. Charles Crittell (left), associate professor of chemistry, and Dr. Dwight Myers, co-chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics.

Daniel Kiptoo (right) of Ada , a student at East Central University , accepts a Brown Mackin Scholarship from Dr. Karen Williams, ECU professor of physics. The scholarship assists deserving physics students. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring.

Physics Department Scholarships East Central University students Kristen Thompson (from left) of Elmore City , Jason Barnett of Stratford , Brianna Davis of McAlester and Caleb Wright of Mannsville pose with certificates recognizing them as recipients of Physics Department Scholarships. The presentations were made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring by Dr. Karen Williams, professor of physics.

Kristen Thompson (right), an East Central University student from Elmore City, receives a certificate recognizing her as a recipient of a NASA National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program scholarship for 2010-11. Dr. Karen Williams, professor of physics, made the presentation at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring.

Brian Jack (right), an East Central University pre-engineering major from Pauls Valley, accepts a Brown Mackin Scholarship at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring. Congratulating Jack is Dr. Karen Williams, professor of physics.

Tabitha Heaton of Noble, a mathematics major at East Central University in Ada, displays a certificate commemorating her 2010-11 selection as a Noyce Scholar. Heaton was one of the first recipients of a Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship which is renewable at $10,000 for up to three years. The ECU Departments of Mathematics and Education work together to select the scholars from students with strong academic backgrounds who otherwise would not consider teaching K-12 mathematics as a career. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Laura Johnson of Holdenville, an East Central University mathematics major with a teacher certification concentration, is the recipient of the Dennis O. and Elsie O. Williams Math Scholarship at ECU. She was recognized at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony. The scholarship is named in honor of the long-time Ada residents.

Cody Barlow, an East Central University mathematics major from Hartshorne, displays a certificate commemorating his 2010-11 selection as a Noyce Scholar. Barlow was one of the first recipients of a Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship which is renewable at $10,000 for up to three years. The ECU Departments of Mathematics and Education work together to select the scholars from students with strong academic backgrounds who otherwise would not consider teaching K-12 mathematics as a career. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Phillip Carter, an East Central University computer science major from Davis, displays the Outstanding Senior Computer Science Major Award he received this spring from the ECU Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Douglas Lee, an East Central University student from Coalgate, displays the certificate he received naming him an Outstanding Sophomore Computer Science Major. He received the award at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring.

Wes Fawcett of Blanchard, a computer science major at East Central University in Ada, displays the Outstanding Senior Computer Science Major Award he received from the ECU Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Pauls Valley resident Janne Klassen, an East Central University English and mathematics major, is the recipient of the Kate K. Knight Scholarship, named in honor of the long-time mathematics educator and original ECU faculty member. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Austin Wood of Marlow, an East Central University mathematics major with a teacher certification concentration, is the recipient of ECU’s Fenton Family Scholarship. He was recognized at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring. The award is named in honor of Micah Fenton who attended ECU during the summer of 2000.

Justin Martin, an East Central University student from Stratford, displays the certificate he received as an Outstanding Sophomore Computer Science Major. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Julia Morgan, an East Central University student from Ada, holds the certificate she received as an Outstanding Freshman Computer Science Major. The award was presented at a ceremony hosted by the ECU College of Health and Sciences.

Ada resident Linh Thi Ngoc Nguyen, an East Central University applied/pre-actuary mathematics major, is the recipient of the East Central Credit Union Applied Mathematics Scholarship. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Jing Chen, an East Central University applied/pre-actuary mathematics major who lives in Ada, displays the certificate he earned for academic achievement in mathematics. He received the award at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Wesley Fowler (left) of Shawnee and Justin Milton (right) of Sulphur, environmental health science students at East Central University, are congratulated by Dr. Patrick Bohan, ECU associate professor of environmental health science, for their selection for the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Officer Student Training Extern Program. COSTEP offers students a way to serve their country while completing or continuing their education in a public health career. Fowler and Milton were honored at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring.

Bidur Mishra of Ada (left), an East Central University student majoring in environmental health science, is the recipient of the Holcim Environmental Health Science Scholarship at ECU. He was recognized By Dr. Guy Sewell, professor of environmental health science, at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Dr. Douglas Weirick (left), chair of the Department of Environmental Health Science at East Central University, presents Nicholas Prince of Stonewall an award for academic achievement. Prince was name the Best Student in Introduction to Environmental Health Science for the 2010-11 academic year. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring.

East Central University students accepted into Epsilon Nu Eta, the national environmental health sciences honor society, display the certificates they received at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring. They are Valina Sefa (front row from left) of Gjakove, Kosovo; Zachary Sutton and Bidur Mishra of Ada; Wesley Fowler, Shawnee; and Brandon Perkins, Ratliff City, with Dr. Patrick Bohan, associate professor of environmental health science; and (back row) Chase Phillips, Holdenville; Harold Robertson, Wynnewood; Cruise McCurley, Ada; Justin Milton, Sulphur; and Stephen Bradford, Prague.

Harold Robertson (left), an East Central University student from Wynnewood, is awarded the Pfeffer Scholarship in Environmental Health Science by Dr. Guy Sewell, professor of environmental health science. The multi-year, renewable scholarship is provided by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pfeffer of Ada. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring.

Dr. Karen Williams (left), professor of physics at East Central University in Ada, presents the Shelby Jane Bays Memorial Scholarship to Morgan Dickerson, a chemistry major from Mustang. The scholarship was established by Richard and Sharon Bays of Davis in honor of their daughter Shelby, who was an ECU student. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Shelbi Berry of Seminole (center), an East Central University family and consumer sciences education major, holds a certificate recognizing her work as the Oklahoma Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Student Unit Secretary for 2010-11. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony. She also was recognized as the recipient of the Grace George and OAFCS Betty Gaffrey Minority scholarships. Shown with Berry are Dr. Diana Watson-Maile (left), chair of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, and Betty Townsend, instructor of family and consumer sciences.

Amanda Bevelhymer (center) of Wewoka, an East Central University family and consumer sciences education major, is the 2011-12 recipient of the Watson Family Centennial Family and Consumer Sciences Education Scholarship. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony this spring by Dr. Diana Watson-Maile (left), chair of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, and Betty Townsend, instructor of family and consumer sciences.

Kacie Cantrell of McAlester (center), an East Central University family and consumer sciences education major, receives the Oklahoma Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Scholarship for 2011-12 at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony. Cantrell also was recognized for her service as OAFCS Student Unit Treasurer and received an OAFCS Student Unit ECU Leadership award. In addition, she landed an internship this summer with the OSU Cooperative Extension Service. Shown with Cantrell are Dr. Diana Watson-Maile (left), chair of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, and Betty Townsend, instructor of family and consumer sciences.

Lauren Polk of Hugo (center) receives the Outstanding Family & Consumer Sciences Education Award this spring at East Central University and is recognized as a graduating senior member of Phi Upsilon Omicron, a national family and consumer sciences honor society. She also was recognized as the Oklahoma Association of Family & Consumer Sciences Student Unit Membership Chair for 2010-11 and the recipient of the Grace Hyder Richmond Award. The presentations were made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony by Dr. Diana Watson-Maile (left), chair of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, and Betty Townsend, instructor of family and consumer sciences.

Ashlan Wilson (center), an East Central University family and consumer sciences education major from Calvin, is recognized as the recipient of the National 4-H Youth in Action runner-up award at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony. Shown with Wilson are Dr. Diana Watson-Maile (left), chair of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, and Betty Townsend, instructor of family and consumer sciences.

Rachel Wilkins of Ardmore (center), a family and consumer sciences/retail merchandising major at East Central University, receives the Outstanding Retail Merchandising Award and is recognized as a graduating senior member of Phi Upsilon Omicron, a national family and consumer sciences honor society. She was honored at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony by Dr. Diana Watson-Maile (left), chair of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, and Betty Townsend, instructor of family and consumer sciences.

Lauren Hopkins of Ada (center), a family and consumer sciences/retail merchandising major at East Central University, receives the Outstanding Retail Merchandising Award and is recognized as a graduating senior member of Phi Upsilon Omicron national honor society. Dr. Diana Watson-Maile (left), chair of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, and Betty Townsend, instructor of family and consumer sciences, presented the awards to Hopkins this spring at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.

Kasi Hopstein (center), East Central University family and consumer sciences retail merchandising major from Ada, is recognized as a Phi Upsilon Omicron Gamma Epsilon Graduating Senior at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony. Shown with Hopstein are Dr. Diana Watson-Maile (left), chair and professor of family and consumer sciences, and Betty Townsend, instructor of family and consumer sciences.

Nursing students at East Central University in Ada, Okla., hold their American Red Cross Student Nurse Volunteer Awards. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony to Shelby McCarty (from left), of Ringling, Okla.; Anita Gurung, Irving; Christie Isaac, Richardson; Sapana Gurung, Irving; and Natasha Estep, Ada, Okla.

Anthony Shelton of Ada (center), an East Central University student majoring in nursing, receives the Pfeffer Scholarship from Debra Ollila (left), instructor of nursing, and Dr. Anne Davis, chair of the Nursing Department. The scholarship is a multi-year, renewable scholarship provided by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pfeffer of Ada. The presentation was made at the ECU College of Health and Sciences awards ceremony.