27 Sep

Banned Books Talks - Community Event

Event Date
6:30 pm

Held at the Estep room in the UC.

The Linscheid Library is hosting an event for the community. The event will be part of a series of events hosted by Linscheid Library and the Ada Public Library that week celebrating Banned Books Week. For more information about events that week, please visit the Linscheid Library website (click here).

We are looking for a variety of community members give a 5-10 minute talk about censorship, intellectual freedom and/or the freedom to read. We are inviting librarians, K-12 and college students, journalists, faculty members and anyone else who has an interest in these topics to speak. If you are interested in speaking or have further questions, please email mlobley@ecok.edu.

Journalists frequently confront censorship, so that is why we're interested in having a reporter or editor come speak if possible.

Thank you for your help.