10 Apr

Concert of Duets for Baritone and Soprano

Event Date
7:30 pm

Come hear a concert of duets for baritone and soprano. Guest Artist Dr. Kenneth A. Bohannon will appear in recital with ECU's Dr. Melody Baggech at the Ada Arts and Heritage Center, Thursday April 10 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. Contact mbaggech@ecok.edu for more information.

Dr. Kenneth Bohannon, Associate Professor of Music at USAO and Coordinator of the Davis-Waldorf Performing Arts Series, and Coordinator of the Music Department at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, has performed as a soloist in musical theatre, oratorio and has performed over twenty operatic roles throughout his career. In the summer of 2004, Dr. Bohannon performed as part of the resident ensemble of the newly revised musical Texas Legacies, in Canyon, Texas. In 2005 he received the Regents Award for Superior Research from USAO. He has performed at numerous regional conferences including the College Music Society and Texoma NATS. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Hendrix College, a Master of Music from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee, and a Doctor of Music from Indiana University. In addition to his voice teaching duties, he is also the musical director of the USAO Vocal Jazz Ensemble. He has sung professionally with the Cincinnati Opera, Knoxville Opera, Chattanooga Opera, and Tulsa Opera. Dr. Bohannon served as Audition’s Chair and Governor of the Oklahoma District of National Association of Teachers of Singing. He previously taught at Lyon College and Harding University, both in Arkansas. Dr. Bohannon is the proud father of Alexandra Bohannon who is the Communications Coordinator at Smart Start Oklahoma (Oklahoma’s Early Childhood Advisory Council) in Oklahoma City.

11 Apr

Art Walk

Event Date
5:00 pm

The Art Walk will be April 11th from 5 to 8 pm. It will be located east of Main Street  (@ the Centennial Plaza).




16 Apr

Box City

Event Date
7:00 pm

On April 16 at 7:00 p.m. there will be a Public Forum on the lack of affordable housing in Ada on the Centennial Mall. After the event, students will sleep in boxes on the mall to spotlight this issue.  All are welcome to attend the forum and any students are welcome to join the Box City and sleep outside.  Box City will conclude at 11:00 a.m.  This is a service learning project led by PS 1113 students.


For more information contact Christine Pappas at cpappas@ecok.edu.   

16 Apr

Public Forum On Housing

Event Date
7:00 pm

On April 16 at 7:00 p.m. there will be a Public Forum on the lack of affordable housing in Ada on the Centennial Mall. After the event, students will sleep in boxes on the mall to spotlight this issue.  All are welcome to attend the forum and any students are welcome to join the Box City and sleep outside.  Box City will conclude at 11:00 a.m.  This is a service learning project led by PS 1113 students.


For more information contact Christine Pappas at cpappas@ecok.edu.