How many hours will you accept from my two-year college?
All hours from accredited institutions will transfer to ECU, however, sixty hours must be taken from a senior college to receive a degree.
How do I know which classes are going to transfer?
All hours from accredited institutions will transfer to ECU. Some will transfer only as elective hours and some will equate to specific courses. Your advisor can assist you in knowing how transfer courses will apply toward degree requirements.
Do zero-level courses count in my GPA?
Zero-level courses do not count in the GPA, regardless of whether you pass or fail them. You will not receive any credit hours for zero-level courses.
My transcript from my previous school is based on quarter hours. How will those hours convert to semester hours?
The number of quarter hours is multiplied by 2/3 to equal semester hours.
I need help choosing a major. Is there anyone I can talk to?
For general questions about choosing a major, or deciding on your career path, you can contact our Career Center.
If I withdraw from my classes this semester, can I still enroll next semester?
When a student withdraws from a semester, it does not mean that he/she withdraws from the university, nor does it affect any previous or future semesters. You are only withdrawing (dropping classes) from the semester you indicated on your myECU portal or your withdrawal form in Etrieve (if applicable).
How do I drop or add a class?
If a student wants to add or drop a class, he/she should log on to their myECU portal and follow the steps to do so. If the last day to drop or add has passed, you may still drop or add by coming into the Office of Admissions and Records and filling out a Drop/Add card or submitting the appropriate form in Etrieve.
If I don't pay my tuition by the due date, will I automatically be canceled?
Students who do not pay their tuition by the due date are not automatically canceled. If you want your enrollment canceled, you can cancel your classes via the myECU portal. If the last day to drop or add has passed, you may still drop or add by coming into the Office of Admissions and Records and filling out a Withdrawal card or submitting the form in Etrieve. If you withdraw past the refund date, you will still be charged for your classes.
I took classes at a career tech center. Will my hours transfer as college credit?
ECU does not accept any coursework granted by a career tech center.
I will finish my coursework this semester but I will not walk across the stage during graduation. Do I still have to pay the $50/$75 graduation fee?
Regardless if you attend the graduation ceremony, you must pay the $50 ($75 for master's, $25 for certificates) graduation fee. A hold will be placed on your record and you will not receive your diploma or an official transcript reflecting the degree without paying this fee.
If I give you my name and social security number over the phone, will you tell me my grades?
Confidential information about a student's grades, number of hours, major, etc. is not available over the telephone. However, you can access this information on the web by accessing MyECU through the ECU website. You must have your username and password in order to view them.
I moved and need to have my address changed. If I give you my new address, will you change it for me?
In order to have your address changed, you must update it yourself on our MyECU website.
I took a class and made an F in it. If I retake the class again, will the F be removed from my transcript?
No grades are removed from a student's transcript. If a student retakes a class, it is recorded in the semester in which he/she re-takes it. A student may retake up to four courses in which he/she previously made a D or F (not to exceed 18 hours) to have the first grade removed from the Retention GPA. Any course repeated more than one time will be averaged into your GPAs.
I live about an hour away. Is there any way I can enroll by phone?
ECU does not take enrollments by phone; however, you may enroll online via your myECU portal. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions and Records.
I was in the military for several years. How do I go about getting college credit for some courses I took there?
Students who were in the military prior to 1985 will need to provide certificates from any military schools attended, as well as a copy of their DD214 form. The information will be evaluated to determine if credit will be granted. In lieu of certificates, Army members may provide an AART transcript, and Navy and Marine members may provide a SMART transcript. Students who were in the military since 1985 can ask the Veterans Assistant to request a JST.
I went to ECU for three semesters and sat out last semester. When I come back, will I be under the new catalog?
If a student is out of school for any period of time (not including summers), they will be subject to the requirements of the new catalog once they return. However, a student may ask their advisor if they wish to file a petition to remain under the previous catalog.
I just got married a month ago and need to change my name. I don't have my marriage license with me. Will my driver's license work?
To change your name on ECU records, you must submit the Name Change form, a copy of your photo id, marriage license or divorce decree, or any other legal documents showing proof of your name change and submit it to the Office of Admissions and Records. Current students can submit the Name Change form in Etrieve and former students can access the form on the Home page of MyECU.
How many classes can I retake?
A student can retake up to four courses not to exceed 18 hours, without the reviewed courses counting against them. After retaking the allotted number of courses, all remaining courses retaken will be averaged into the student's GPA.
I went to a university back home and didn't do very well. Can I just start all over?
Students can get a fresh start in college if they did poorly at another school; however, any course work that was taken at other schools MUST be submitted. Failure to do so is a falsification of records and is grounds for expulsion. Once all records are submitted, you may see if you qualify for a renewal. This will allow you to remove all coursework 5 years or older from your GPA.
What is an academic reprieve?
An academic reprieve is a policy in which up to two semesters may be removed from the GPA. The semesters must be consecutive and must be at least three years old or older. No grade below a C may appear on the transcript since those semesters and the student must have completed at least 12 hours following the semesters being reprieved. The student must be enrolled at ECU to request a reprieve. The reprieved work is not removed from the student's academic record. Graduate students and post-graduate students not pursuing a 2nd bachelor's degree or first-time teaching certificate will not be considered for an academic reprieve.
What is academic renewal?
An academic renewal is a policy in which several semesters may be removed from the GPA. The renewal must begin with the very first semester and the semesters must be consecutive and at least five years old or older. No grade below a C may appear on the transcript since those semesters and the student must have completed at least 12 hours following the semesters being renewed. The student must be enrolled at ECU to request a renewal. The renewed work is not removed from the student's academic record. Graduate students and post-graduate students not pursuing a 2nd bachelor's degree or first-time teaching certificate will not be considered for academic renewal.
What's the difference between cumulative and retention GPA?
ECU uses the student's Retention GPA, listed as "Grad Retn" on your transcript, for retention and graduation purposes. This GPA does not reflect courses that a student has retaken, reprieved, or renewed, whereas the Cumulative GPA does. Cumulative GPA reflects everything you've ever taken without the benefit of the reviewed classes.

Office of Admissions and Records
Administration Building, Room 111
1100 E 14th St, PMB J-8
Ada, OK 74820
580-559-5167 (fax)