(FALL 2024, SPRING 2025, SUMMER 2025)
Eligibility Requirements for ASEs
• Must be enrolled in ECU undergraduate courses and working on an undergraduate degree.
• Cannot have successfully completed the course.
• Cannot have attempted this exam previously.
*Hours will not be recorded on the transcript until 12 hours have been completed at ECU with a minimum G.P.A. of 2.0.
School of Business
Dr. Michael Scott - CBCC 343
- BUS 1113 - Foundations of Business
- MIS 1903 - Computer Business Applications
College of Education and Psychology
Dr. Marc Klippenstine - ED 307B
- PSYCH 1113 - General Psychology
College of Health and Sciences
Dr. Alisha Howard - P&ES 164
- BIOL 1114 - General Biology
Dr. Randall Maples - P&ES 244
- CHEM 1114 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 3114 - Organic Chemistry I
- PHSCI 1114 - General Physical Science
- PHYS 1114 - General Physics I
- PHYS 1314 - Astronomy
Dr. Andrew Wells - SH 205F
- CMPSC 1513 - Computer Literacy
- MATH 1513 - College Algebra
- MATH 1713 - Trigonometry
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Dr. Johnie Fredman - HM 221C
- ASLHR 2613 - American Sign Language I
- ASLHR 3063 - American Sign Language II
Dr. Johnie Fredman - HM 221C
- CRJS 3653 - Alternatives to Incarceration
Dr. Steven Pederson - HM 335C
- FREN 1113 - Elementary French I
- RUSS 1113 - Elementary Russian I
Dr. Nicholaus Meyers - FFAC 149
- MUS 1113 - Fundamentals of Music
- MUS 1133 - Elementary Harmony & Ear Training
- MUS 1233 - Intermediate Harmony & Ear Training
- MUS 1911 - Class Piano I
- MUS 1921 - Class Piano II
- MUS 2911 - Class Piano III
- MUS 2921 - Functional Piano

Records Office
Administration Building, Room 111
1100 E 14th St, PMB J-8
Ada, OK 74820
580-559-5432 (fax)