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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Russell, Ashley

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Physical Plant Coordinator
580-559-5377 ashnrus1@ecok.edu Facilities Management
Samara, Noor

Department - Position

  • Tommy Hewett, M.D. Wellness Center - Wellness Center/Intramural Coordinator
580-559-5959 noossam@ecok.edu Bill S. Cole University Center
Sanchez, Jessica

Department - Position

  • ECU Foundation - Executive Assistant / Creative Coordinator
580-559-5611 jesgsan@ecok.edu Sterling L. Williams Center 102
Saunders, Casey

Department - Position

  • School of Fine Arts - Dean's Secretary, Fine Arts
580-559-5471 caslsau@ecok.edu Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 141
Sawyer, Steve

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Head Coach Men's & Women's Cross Country & Track & Field
580-559-5386 ssawyer@ecok.edu Kerr Activities Center 202
Schafer-Morgan, Destany

Department - Position

  • Department of Professional Programs and Human Services - Assistant Professor and Internship Director
580-559-5705 dmorgan@ecok.edu Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 175
Schneider, Ashley

Department - Position

  • School of Nursing - Instructor
580-559-5943 ashesch1@ecok.edu Science Hall 103-A
Schur, Brandi

Department - Position

  • Linscheid Library - Assistant Director and Public Services Librarian
580-559-5308 bschur@ecok.edu Linscheid Library 323
Scott, Michael

Department - Position

  • Harland C. Stonecipher School of Business - Dean
580-559-5649 mscott@ecok.edu Chickasaw Business & Conference Center 313
Selders, Todd

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Head Golf Coach
tselders@ecok.edu Kerr Activities Center 120
Sharber, Shelli

Department - Position

  • Department of Education - Department Chair, Associate Professor, Library Media
580-559-5240 ssharber@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 304 A
Sherry, Kelsey

Department - Position

  • Office of Financial Aid - Financial Aid Counselor
580-559-5733 ksherry@ecok.edu Administration Building 101
Simpson, Emily

Department - Position

  • Department of Psychology - Assistant Professor
580-559-5330 esimpson@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 211F
Sipes, Jodi

Department - Position

  • School of Nursing - Instructor
580-559-5962 jodlsip@ecok.edu Science Hall 300-C
Sliger, Angela

Department - Position

  • Career Center - Director
580-559-5890 asliger@ecok.edu Administration Building 155
Smith, Duane

Department - Position

  • Oka' Institute Public Service - Executive Director
580-559-5152 dasmith@ecok.edu Fentem Hall 114
Smith, Michelle

Department - Position

  • Student Support Services - Academic Coach/Database Manager
580-559-5838 miclsmi@ecok.edu Administration Building 250
Smith, Dennis

Department - Position

  • Police Department - Police Officer
580-559-5316 denwsmi@ecok.edu Chickasaw Business & Conference Center ECU Police Department
Smith, Marcus

Department - Position

  • Information Technology - Telecommunications Technician
580-559-5884 msmith@ecok.edu Danley Hall 136
Smith-Spears, Tiffany

Department - Position

  • Office of Testing and Accessibility Services - Accommodation Specialist
580-559-5297 tifmsmi@ecok.edu Fentem Hall 302