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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Jacob, Nicholas

Department - Position

  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - Associate Professor
580-559-5281 njacob@ecok.edu Science Hall 205E
Johnson, Derek

Department - Position

  • Department of Performing Arts - Adjunct Instructor, Percussion
djohnson@ecok.edu Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center
Johnson, Sandra

Department - Position

  • Early Settlement Mediation - Office Coordinator
580-559-5674 sankjoh@ecok.edu Knight Hall K102
Johnson, Ashanti

Department - Position

  • Department of Chemistry - Visiting Scientist
ajohnsn@ecok.edu Horace Mann 127-B
Johnson, Heather

Department - Position

  • Educational Opportunity Center - EOC Director
580-559-5764 hnjohnsn@ecok.edu Memorial Student Union EOC
Johnson, Jordan

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - HVAC Journeyman
580-559-5377 jcjohnson@ecok.edu Physical Plant
Johnston, Daria

Department - Position

  • Team Gear Up - College Success Coach
(580)559-5209 djohnston@ecok.edu Sterling L. Williams Center Second Floor
Johnston, Jaxie

Department - Position

  • - Director, Early Settlement South Central
580-221-5524 jjohnson@ecok.edu Carter County Courthouse 20 B St. SW, Ste. 301 Ardmore, OK 73401
Jones, Mark

Department - Position

  • Department of Education - Associate Professor, Educational Technology
580-559-5323 mejones@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 215 B
Jones, Melissa

Department - Position

  • - Student and Veteran Support Services Director
580-559-5858 melsjon@ecok.edu Administration Building 250
Jordan, Cortney

Department - Position

  • School of Nursing - Instructor
corajor@ecok.edu Science Hall 318