ECU has a long-standing relationship with the Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, beginning in 2005 as a recipient of a campus program grant, progressing to the Campus Flagship Program in 2007, and in 2010, embarking on redelivery of training and collaborative expertise through the OVW Training and Technical Assistance Program for campus law enforcement.
The ECU Campus Law Enforcement & Public Safety Technical Assistance Program is founded on more than 18 years of focused experience, success in partnerships, and solid expertise in training of law enforcement. With almost fifteen intensely active years of providing technical assistance to campuses, grantees, and consortiums, ECU, through collaboration and partnership with other technical assistance teams, existing programs, national agencies, and subject matter experts, provides training and technical assistance and serves as a mentor to campuses and their law enforcement/security departments in both a targeted and comprehensive approach. Additional areas of focus have included education and training at the executive/administrative level as well as peer-to-peer support for governing boards, related to campus culture and enhanced response to sexual and gender-based violence among the campus community. ECU promotes best practices founded on current and valid research, informs grantees regarding new and creative ways to present relevant topics, assists grantees in determining specific needs of their programs, and connects grantees with national training resources.
In collaboration and partnership with other OVW funded technical assistance providers and national expert consultants, ECU delivers education and training to institutions of higher education, particularly law enforcement/security and other first responders/service personnel, on effective investigation in cases involving sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. The overarching mission of ECU OVW Campus Law Enforcement Program is to provide collaborative, culturally-relevant, comprehensive law enforcement response-focused technical assistance that is appropriate to the individual needs of colleges and universities, and is based on best practices in the field of sexual and gender-based violence response and prevention.
ECU offers specialized subject matter expertise and considers the interdisciplinary needs of grantees, while having a broader understanding of Campus Program expectations. In order to assist in effectively implementing grant goals and objectives, and program requirements, TA may be provided by one or a combination of the following methods:

  • Facilitate grantee consultations for opportunities of problem solving, brain storming, and overall guidance on achieving success throughout the OVW Campus grantee grant cycles. Consultations can be via phone, Zoom, in person, or any method identified as best for the situation and the grantee
  • Host and Facilitate Annual Virtual Focus Groups for OVW Campus Law Enforcement and Public Safety
  • Plan and Facilitate OVW Campus TTI Campus Law Enforcement sessions and webinar trainings
  • Consult with OVW, partners and OVW Campus LE/PS Focus Group to guide ECU developed resources and promoted best practices.
  • Assist with identifying grantee strategic and logistical plans as needed through consultation and once approved by OVW
  • Developing online training modules and resources for OVW Campus Grantees.  These will be housed and maintained with along with other identified and approved resources
  • Develop resources for creating/maintaining a culturally responsible trauma informed response through education, policies, and relationship building
  • Peer to peer mentoring and learning opportunities
  • Review of grantee products, policies, and protocols
  • Referrals to additional TA providers or outside experts