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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Abrego, MaxAaron

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Electrical Journeyman
580-559-5377 mabrego@ecok.edu Physical Plant Repairs & Alterations
Adams, Larame

Department - Position

  • Police Department - Police Officer
580-559-5761 ladams@ecok.edu Chickasaw Business & Conference Center ECU Police Department
Aguilar, Rafael

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Assistant Football Coach Offensive Line
raguilar@ecok.edu Kerr Activities Center Office 1
Aguirre-Berman, Alexandra

Department - Position

  • Department of Performing Arts - Director of the School of Fine Arts, Adjunct Instructor of Flute
580-559-5353 aaguirre@ecok.edu Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 146
Ananga, Erick

Department - Position

  • Department of Politics, Law and Society - Associate Professor
580-559-5413 eananga@ecok.edu Horace Mann 237D
Anderson, Destini

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Head Softball Coach
580-559-5363 dfanderson@ecok.edu Women's Athletic Facility 119
Andrews, Kenneth

Department - Position

  • College of Health and Sciences - Dean College of Health and Sciences
580-559-5496 kandrews@ecok.edu Physical and Environmental Science Center 101A
Arcos, Jaime

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Custodian
580-559-5377 jarcos@ecok.edu Physical Plant
Arguelles, Narcisco

Department - Position

  • Art + Design : Media + Communication - Assistant Professor
580-559-5355 narguelles@ecok.edu Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 176
Armstrong, Pamla

Department - Position

  • Office of Sponsored Programs and Research - Assistant
580-559-5667 parmstrong@ecok.edu Danley Hall 224
Atkinson, Tailor

Department - Position

  • Oka' Institute Public Service - Development Specialist
580-559-5151 tatkinson@ecok.edu Fentem Hall 114
Autrey, Donna

Department - Position

  • Department of Psychology - Assistant Professor
580-559-5328 lautrey@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 211 C