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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
O'Brien, Taryn

Department - Position

  • Brandon Whitten Institute - Opioid & Stimulant Prevention Grant Coordinator
580-559-5819 tarobr@ecok.edu Horace Mann 109
O'Daniel, Danielle

Department - Position

  • Office of Enrollment Management - Administrative Assistant
580-559-5927 danmoda@ecok.edu Sterling L. Williams Center 107
O'Hanlon, Brian

Department - Position

  • GOLD Program - Gold Program Advisor & Military Science Instructor
580-559-5105 brijoha@ecok.edu Administration Building 159
Odom, Broderick

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Assistant Football Coach - Inside Linebackers
brovodo@email.ecok.edu Kerr Activities Center
Ollila, Debra S.

Department - Position

  • School of Nursing - Assistant Professor of Nursing
580-559-5433 dollila@ecok.edu Science Hall 317
Overstake, Christyn

Department - Position

  • Art + Design : Media + Communication - Assistant Professor of Art
580-559-5354 coverstk@ecok.edu Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 177
Owens, Joanna

Department - Position

  • College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences - Adjunct Instructor
  • College of Education and Psychology - Inspired to Teach Program Coordinator
580-559-5348 jlowens@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 157
Owens, Jenna

Department - Position

  • Department of Politics, Law and Society - Professor, Director of Legal Studies
580-559-5603 jowens@ecok.edu Horace Mann 248D