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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Rahbusch, Chelsi

Department - Position

  • Upward Bound - Project Coordinator
(580) 559-5758 chelrah@ecok.edu Fentem Hall 319
Ramey, Krystyan

Department - Position

  • Tommy Hewett, M.D. Wellness Center - Coordinator
580-559-5959 kramey@ecok.edu Bill S. Cole University Center 217
Ramos, Marcela

Department - Position

  • Office of Records - Transfer Credit Specialist
580-559-5168 Administration Building 111
Ray, Julie

Department - Position

  • Office of the President - Admin Assistant to the President
580-559-5213 jray@ecok.edu Danley Hall 202
Reed, Debra

Department - Position

  • College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences - Secretary
580-559-5425 debjree@ecok.edu Faust Hall 141
Regan, Regan

Department - Position

  • - Director, Early Settlement Mediation Southeast Program
(918) 429-0386 rglinton@ecok.edu 115 E. Carl Albert Pkwy McAlester, OK 74501
Reifsnider, Vickie

Department - Position

  • Department of Performing Arts - Instructor of Theatre
580-559-5878 reifsnid@ecok.edu Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 111
Rhone, Kerry

Department - Position

  • Department of Education - Instructor & Director of Elementary Education
580-559-5338 krhone@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 149
Robben, Heather M.

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Head Women's Basketball Coach
580-559-5789 hrobben@ecok.edu Kerr Activities Center 311
Roberson, Robin

Department - Position

  • Office of Institutional Research - Assessment Coordinator
  • Department of Psychology - Associate Professor
580-559-5344 robrrob@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 110
Rogers, Kim

Department - Position

  • Office of Testing and Accessibility Services - Director
580-559-5677 kimmrog@ecok.edu Fentem Hall 302
Roland, David

Department - Position

  • Department of Politics, Law and Society - Adjunct Professor
580-559-5411 davirol@ecok.edu Horace Mann 237B
Roller, Rachel

Department - Position

  • Office of the Bursar - Cashier
580-559-5226 racerol@ecok.edu Administration Building 108
Romero, Lily

Department - Position

  • Educational Opportunity Center - Academic Counselor
580-559-5684 lilaphi@ecok.edu Memorial Student Union
Roring, Catherine

Department - Position

  • Department of Psychology - Assistant Professor
580-559-5676 croring@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 211 G
Roring, Steven

Department - Position

  • College of Education and Psychology - Instructor
Rosales, Connie

Department - Position

  • Upward Bound II - Project Coordinator
580-559-5856 conros1@ecok.edu Fentem Hall 329
Rose, Blaine

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Electrician
580-559-5377 brose@ecok.edu Facilities Management
Ross, Michael

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Building Maintenance Tech
(580)559-5377 mross@ecok.edu Physical Plant Repairs & Alterations