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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Keel, Robert

Department - Position

  • Veterans Upward Bound - Academic Counselor/Instructor
580-559-5807 robkkee@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 155
Keith, Kara

Department - Position

  • Housing & Residence Life - Residence Director
580-559-5148 karkei@ecok.edu Pontotoc Hall 109 C
Kelley, Bryant

Department - Position

  • Mail and Printing Services - Director
580-559-5864 bkelley@ecok.edu Administration Building 154
Ketchum, Scott

Department - Position

  • Native American Studies - Director of Native American Studies
580-559-5419 tketchum@ecok.edu Horace Mann 247
Kinder, Rhonda

Department - Position

  • Employment Services - Payroll Manager
580-559-5526 rkinder@ecok.edu Danley Hall 108
Kirkpatrick, Mark

Department - Position

  • Tommy Hewett, M.D. Wellness Center - Wellness Center Director
580-559-5745 margkir@ecok.edu Bill S. Cole University Center 231
Klippenstine, Marc

Department - Position

  • Department of Psychology - Professor and Chair
580-559-5342 mklippen@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 307 B
Konchan, Samantha

Department - Position

  • Office of Records - Transfer Specialist
skonchan@ecok.edu Administration Building
Kumari, Madhu

Department - Position

  • Office of Communications and Marketing - Web Specialist
(580)559-5724 mkumari@ecok.edu Administration Building 110