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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Sweatt, Matt

Department - Position

  • Housing & Residence Life - Director
580-559-5230 msweatt@ecok.edu Administration Building 102
Taramona , Alyssa

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Head Women's Soccer Coach
ataramona@ecok.edu Women's Athletic Facility
Tarver, Mary

Department - Position

  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - Assistant Professor
580-559-5593 mktarver@ecok.edu Physical and Environmental Science Center 114
Tatum, Dalton

Department - Position

  • Police Department - Police Officer
580-559-5316 daltat@ecok.edu Chickasaw Business & Conference Center ECU Police Department
Tessman, Darcy

Department - Position

  • Department of Education - Associate Professor
580-559-5530 dtessman@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 147
Tessman, Brian

Department - Position

  • Office of Records - Associate Registrar
580-559-5235 btessman@ecok.edu Administration Building 111
Thomas, Jane

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Custodial Supervisor
580-559-5691 jthomas@ecok.edu Facilities Management Custodial Office
Thompson, Rob

Department - Position

  • Information Technology - Systems Analyst,
580-559-5884 robthom@ecok.edu Danley Hall 135
Tilley, Steve

Department - Position

  • Office of the Bursar - Assistant Bursar
580-559-5615 stemtil@ecok.edu Administration Building 108
Tilley, Lindsey

Department - Position

  • STTAABLE Office - Director
580-559-5465 lcolburn@ecok.edu Fentem Hall 106
Todd, Savannah

Department - Position

  • Department of Education - Secretary
580-559-5319 savntod@ecok.edu Lanoy Education Building 204
Tollett, Gracie

Department - Position

  • Linscheid Library - Public Services Assistant
580-559-5636 gratol@ecok.edu Linscheid Library 308
Tomlin, Libby

Department - Position

  • Office of Recruitment - Lead Recruiter
580-559-5832 gtomlin@ecok.edu Sterling L. Williams Center 107
Treadaway, Cameron

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Custodian
580-559-5377 ctreadwy@ecok.edu Physical Plant
Tucker Jr., Gary

Department - Position

  • Business Administration - Instructor, Chair
580-559-5284 gtucker@ecok.edu Chickasaw Business & Conference Center 348
Ufimtsev , Vladimir

Department - Position

  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - Associate Professor
580-559-5659 vufimtsev@ecok.edu Physical and Environmental Science Center 128
Urlaub, Colette

Department - Position

  • School of Nursing - Administrative Assistant
580-559-5434 Science Hall 318
Velarde, Bridges

Department - Position

  • Office of Communications and Marketing - Marketing Specialist
brisvel@ecok.edu Administration Building 159C
Vickers, Haley

Department - Position

  • Office of the President - Chief of Staff/Board Liaison
  • Office of the President - Deputy Title IX Coordinator
580-559-5203 hvickers@ecok.edu Danley Hall 207